How to Grow Your Business When Life is Hectic
Life happens. But you don’t have to float along with whatever comes your way and let life become an excuse.
This summer we relocated when my husband changed jobs, about 45 minutes from our hometown. So not far, but moving a family of 4 and a dog is no joke.
The move went well, thankfully, but the remodel has been another story.
We hired someone to put in our new tile floors hoping to get the project done a lot quicker than having my husband do it after work and on weekend, but this guy was a fraud and destroyed out floors and house in the process, that’s a story for another day.
We dealt with these flooring issues from mid September until NOW, two months.
All the while I have been working from home in the chaos with the 3 year old in tow three days a week since her new school is only 2 days a week from 9-12. A BIG change from 5 days a week from 9-1!
But I’ve enjoyed having this time with her and embraced the chaos as much as possible.
After a busy season, as in all of the summer and almost all of this fall, I wanted to share with you 6 things I learned that have helped me grow my business while surrounded by chaos.
1. Get super clear on your goals
Being clear on your goals keeps your focused on business building activities instead of scrolling and numbing out. This will keep you motivated. Remember WHY you do what you do. HOW you serve and help others.
2. Raise your prices (less work, same money) or reevaluate your offerings to free you up more
If you are feeling overwhelmed you might need to reevaluate your offerings to fit your life better, working with less 1:1 and have a group program or passive income stream.
You can also raise your prices to allow yourself to meet your goals with less clients.
3. Get help - hire assistant or nanny or housekeeper
Never feel like you have to do it alone, you can’t! Don’t fall into this trap and burn out because you don’t seek out help. Start small and where you can relinquish control.
Ask family to help with the kids one day a week, or look into part time care.
Hire help with the house or with tasks in your business.
Just don’t try to do it on your own
4. Bulk create content to give more time freedom
Planning ahead lets you rest more and not pile on more stress when something comes up.
Staying consistent in your business is so important, so when life is hectic and you are struggling to show up you will then have MORE stress with being worried about your business.
Plan ahead and schedule as much as possible.
5. Rely on God for energy to keep going
Much like number 3 above, not trying to do it all on your own, leaning on God to help you make it through this season is super important. He will find a way for you and He will supply you with the strength to carry on. Read the word, make it a priority. Fill your cup so you don’t run dry. Pray before you speak or act. When God does prompt you, do what he says immediately, even if you think it is crazy with everything you have going on right now.
6. Make sure you take care of YOURSELF too
Staying up late to get everything done every night will lead you down the path to burnout and exhaustion. You being ill and irritable in an already hectic season will only add more stress to the situation. Be sure you are caring for yourself, drinking enough water and eating a little better will help fuel you. Getting enough sleep and managing stress will also help you make it through hectic seasons. It is tempting to throw all self care out the window and hustle, but you won’t be able to fully serve if you are pushing too hard. Take time to enjoy life, even in the chaos that might be this season for you.
These were the biggest lessons I learned during this hectic season!
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