Is your Client’s Pinterest Profitable? (Steps to make it happen)


The bottom line of your business is profits.

You can have all the passion and love in your business and if you don't have profits, it can't last.

This is not something I like to talk about.

I prefer the uplifting, fluffy, fun stuff.

But sometimes you need to get real.


If they aren't getting website traffic from Pinterest, the answer is no.

But what if they ARE getting website traffic, does that make their Pinterest profitable?
You might be surprised to hear my answer.


For SOME, traffic is all you need, the traffic and number of followers they have is enough to snag sponsored posts and making money off affiliate links.

If they have a service or product-based business, traffic is not enough.

They need sales.

Here is the flow to making Pinterest profitable:

Step 1: Gain brand recognition - people have to know your clients exist. KEY WORDS y'all!

Step 2: Gain visibility - Keeping your account active is important, fresh images are a MUST

Step 3: Get people OFF Pinterest and ON their website - pins that draw them in and make them click through

Step 4: CAPTURE THAT TRAFFIC - We all know it takes more than seeing something ONCE to invest. (Unless it's coffee ;) LOL)

Step 4 is where most people are missing out on making Pinterest profitable.

Your clients need to capture those leads as they travel from Pinterest to their page so they can nurture those relationships.

Want to learn more about specializing in Pinterest? Join my FREE Facebook group!

Jena Proctor