3 Things to do Every Day to GROW Your Pinterest Virtual Assistant Business


It is NOT a lack of time management that is keeping you from taking action.

Being told you have to do ALL THE THINGS is the problem.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like you just aren’t dedicated enough and don’t you dare drink the #teamnosleep Koolaid.

You don’t want to even go there, mama - you have little ones to care for so you HAVE to take care of yourself.

Imagine the energy you would have if you were able to stop hustling and get more sleep?

No more cranky mama bear (a term I have been called on occasion)? Energy to get that work out in a few days a week?

Skipping all the fluff that keeps you from making money in your business quickly is actually the BEST decision you can make right now.

Which is EXACTLY what I do, I help REAL mom (like you) cut the fluff and skip the crap so they can build a Pinterest VA business that they LOVE, without hustling all night after getting the kids to bed.

Check out these 3 tips to help you GROW your Pinterest VA business in 30 minutes a day:

  1. Habit stack or Connect networking time with a recurring daily task

    Hectic schedule? I feel ya, connect your networking time to a specific daily occurrence such as waiting in the car pick up line, while the kids are taking a bath, or while you wait for that awesome sheet pan dinner to cook. Block scheduling and strict schedules NEVER worked for me, THIS does!

  2. Show up and become a familiar face

    Real networking will take you farther than applying for “jobs” with people who know you from the other 100 applicants. People buy from PEOPLE. I got a new client because we host Clubhouse chats with a few other ladies each week for the last few weeks. Make friends.

  3. Make it PERSONAL

    Answering ONE question on a post in a Facebook group won’t bring a flood of potential clients. Actually connecting with humans who can either become clients, referral partners, or FRIENDS is the BEST way to grow your business. Creating real relationships means moving beyond just answering a question or giving advice in a group, actually work on connecting personally. Add someone as a new Facebook friend, you’ve been chatting with them a bit in comments. Message them to continue the conversation. Real connections win every time.

Ready to ditch the overwhelm and build a
business you’ll LOVE?

Grab my FREE Pinterest VA Getting Started Guide!

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